Shadow Play - A Trick for Bedtime



I'm pretty much failing at the whole bedtime thing with my four year old Liv. I'm off to a good start with my baby Mia - we do a swift few books followed by "hush little baby" and lights out - but there's no telling how long we'll be able to maintain her quick routine.

Liv started out that way too, but now her nightly routine is out of hand. And it hasn't improved since I penned this post in 2017. Yes that was three years ago. Yikes. In fact, it's harder now. Liv sleeps in a bed now. She can get out as she pleases. No, you're not allowed to lock kids in their rooms. I tried. And failed. More recently I've tried sticker charts, taking away toys - because consequences. It feels like a never ending losing battle. I say it's time for sleep; Liv thinks of 11 more things she needs: water, a boogie wipe, socks, only light pink socks, or if the light pink socks are dirty then tights, tickles and scratches, letters, a song, and "could you please rub tiny circles on my back?" Liv has learned the age old adage you can catch more flies with honey. She'll come out of her room just to say she loves me and give me a kiss. She'll say she loves me more than the universe. Then I have to command she get back in her room. Chaos and cuddles ensue.

There are moments of peace and small wins. Like when I sit with Liv and tell her that each body part is sleepy, and get creative, and she just eats it up, not realizing I've just brought her through a body scan exercise, intended to kickstart sleep.

I also have a new trick as of late. Liv will occasionally say she can't sleep because she's scared of the dark or of shadows in her room. The other night I decided we should name the shadows. We got super creative, Liv calling the shadow from her noise machine a whole long-winded title that started with "Toyota." It was totally silly, and it worked. Naming our fears helps take away their power.

So here is to hoping that me writing about my dread of Liv's bedtime helps diminish it... It also helps to remember that even when it's hard, I am beyond grateful for every moment of loving on my girls.