NSFW Books

Happy autumn. I am ready to turn over a new leaf, pun intended. I think? I'm delirious. I haven't slept in over a month. First, I had a poison ivy situation. The kids were in between camp and school. There were a million back to school functions. School started. And this whole time one of my kids has been going through a tough bout of anxiety, and has been waking us Every Single Night. I'm back in the newborn haze of no sleep, but without the newborn mommy hormones to keep me from going out of my ducking (as autocorrect likes to say) mind. My poor kid. My poor self. Poor hubs. Things can always be worse, of course! I love you universe! What are you teaching me? I surrender to your magical ways! But this is hard and I'm... out of my ducking mind. Can you tell? LOL.

I did read some interesting books back at the end of summah. Two NSFW books, in fact! From what I recall, they were interesting and unique. Allow me to delve into my fuzzy memories from over a month ago and share my reviews...

All Fours
I was uncomfortable the whole time reading this novel; I think that's the point, or I'm just super.. prude? This book about a middle aged woman finding lust in a younger car rental guy is bizarre but intriguing. All Fours is about the female experience, but also any gender experience. It's sexually explicit, even erotic. There is some brilliant insight and prose. And I appreciated the hot takes on motherhood and menopause. But overall, not my cup of tea. That being said, I don't regret opening my mind to something different and of the moment.

Margo's Got Money Troubles
Another sexy book. Margo dabbles in OnlyFans to support herself and her kid. She reunites with her professional wrestler-addict-father. It's a lot. The author changes the tense a bunch, which is distracting. The storyline is eh. Very creative, but not my favorite.

For something more my speed, look no further.

Night night,