Everything I Never Knew I Always Needed
When I was pregnant and terrified (more on that later) I felt overwhelmed registering online for baby stuff. I didn't feel ready in so many ways and not having the appropriate supplies on hand, or even in mind, didn't help. I didn't know where to begin, so I asked around and stalked my pregnant friends' registries. Ultimately I learned through trial and error.
I made mistakes (I thought burp clothes were superfluous), but I also had a knack in some areas (I knew I didn't need to buy a special "diaper bag"). In early mamahood I texted my mom friends constantly to learn what was working for them (gas drops) and what had recently been recalled (natural teething gel). When a pregnant friend recently entered nesting mode and asked for registry suggestions, I put together the below list. Here are my current recommendations, based on research and personal use by me and my people:
Boppy & covers
Swaddles - blankets and/or ones that snap
Merlin - we didn't use this in the way beginning and it may be a bit controversial but worked well for us for a time
Car seat - Infant & Bigger - need converter pieces to fit car seat in stroller
Gate check bags for travel - car seat, stroller
Diaper bag - we use a leSportsac bag I've had for like 10 years
Baby carrier - I never found one I felt super comfortable in but people like ergobaby
Toys - Our early favorites included this & this
Nail clippers, files
Diaper pail & bags