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I went back on my decision to abandon Leaving. After writing this blog I was set to give it away. I held the novel in my hands and pondered who to gift it to, who could handle it. But I couldn't part with the book. I took a peek at the ending. I flipped through to see if a particular terrible thing that I'd anticipated had in fact happened. It hadn't, and I remained intrigued, if still a bit shaken. I felt compelled to read Leaving in its entirety.

Upon revisiting the book I was angry. I didn't like the content; I didn't like that certain characters were let off the hook while others were skewered. I even nit-picked over a few typos. (Typos in published books always irk me. It's so hard to get published; you would think the publishing gatekeepers and workers would be exhaustive in their editing process.) Alas, Leaving was completely aggravating but also spellbinding. I couldn't stop reading, even after I'd made up my mind to do just that. Now I need to talk about the storyline with fellow readers.. I'm usually not a book club kind of gal, despite being a bookworm. But I'm ready to vent. Who else has read this most frustrating, yet compelling novel? Hit me up!


BooksAmy SingerComment